Tuesday, September 18, 2007

General George Patton's 6 Past Lives

[From The Book of Lists, Wallechinsky, Wallace and Wallace, 1977 edition]

Patton had "subconscious memories" of these previous incarnations:

1. A prehistoric warrior who "battled for fresh mammoth" and "warred for pastures new."
2. A Greek hoplite who fought the Persians of King Cyrus.
3. A soldier of Alexander the Great at the siege of Tyre.
4. A legionnaire with Julius Caesar in northern Gaul.
5. An English knight at the battle of Crécy during the Hundred Years' War.
6. A Napoleonic marshal at a time "when one laughed at death and numbers, trusting in the emperor's star."

–Farago, Ladislas, Patton: Ordeal and Triumph (New York: I. Obolensky, 1964).

Frieze in Belgrade, "the most bombed city in the history of the world"

1 comment:

Dave said...

George Patton led an interesting life and had to explain to himself why we was such a great military leader. Canadu